Hi! I'm Tanvi, a creative technologist building games, interactives and weird web experiences primarily as educational escapades
LAB @ Rockwell Group R&D →
Mixed Reality Experience
My work on rnd at the LAB @ Rockwell Group culminated in building a mixed reality multiplayer, colocated experience
Tridal →
Game Design
Tridal is a multiplayer, cooperative game that advocates responsible land use.
Neo-TCH 1.3 →
Physical Computation
Neo-TCH 1.3 uses wearable tech to build a tactile, experimental, and performative installation piece.
Consilience →
Digital Product Design
Coming Soon A Question-first AI canvas tool that uses interconnected fields of study to enable exploring, falling into rabbit holes and associative learning.
I'm not sure how to name home anymore →
Game Design
'I'm not sure how to name home anymore' is about how most of us live across many homes, tiny bits of our souls traced back to each place.
Forest Clearing →
Game Design
A Forest Clearing is a collaborative multiplayer game where players grow and maintain their forest.
CS Soch →
Visual assets for an online program for primary school children to develop computational thinking skills through coding games, stories and puzzles.